Options for Donating to the Delaware Symphony Orchestra

The DSO is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. 

Your support enables the DSO to offer grand musical experiences, whether in concert with world-renowned guest artists or in classrooms sharing the wonder of music with students. We could not provide these opportunities without your generosity. Below is a list of ways you can support.


Traditional Donation — Mail a check, payable to the Delaware Symphony Orchestra, or make an online gift.

Electronic Wire Transfer — Have a donation wired directly from your account to the Delaware Symphony.

Matching Gifts — Many businesses will match employees’ charitable gifts. A donation may be matched dollar-for-dollar or at a percentage. Check with your company to see if they participate in a matching program.

IRA* — You may make the DSO the beneficiary of your IRA or other retirement account. The DSO would receive any balance remaining upon your passing, and while retirement assets are often highly taxed when left to heirs, this tax-free transfer can offer your estate a tax deduction.

Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)* — Beginning at age 70½, you may contribute up to $100,000 annually directly from your IRA to the DSO through a QCD. Talk with your financial advisor to make sure you follow all the rules – and remember that once you have reached the age to take your required minimum distribution (RMD), QCDs count toward your RMD.

Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)* — You may contribute to the DSO through your donor-advised fund. The DSO can also be the beneficiary or successor advisor to your DAF, receiving the balance remaining upon your death.

Stock and Securities* — You can donate appreciated stock to the DSO, saving capital gains taxes. Stock will be sold at the time of receipt with complete charitable documentation available for the donor.

Bequests/Legacy Gifts* — Remembering the DSO in wills and trusts helps to ensure we continue the great tradition of performing the finest in classical music. You may have the DSO receive a specified dollar amount, specific assets, or all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate once all obligations are met.

*To ensure your gift meets proper tax requirements, we recommend reviewing guidelines and discussing with your financial advisor prior to making a gift. See below for organizational information needed by your financial advisor.

For additional information or questions, contact Charles “Ebbie” Alfree III, Director of Development, at 302.656.7442, x1008 or charlesa@delawaresymphony.org.  

Delaware Symphony Association
100 W. 10th Street, Suite 1003 | Wilmington, DE 19801
EIN #51-6017449

— The information presented above represents neither tax nor investment advice.

The 1906 Legacy Society

Members of The 1906 Legacy Society are individuals who have included the Delaware Symphony Orchestra in their estate plans. Their legacy gifts will ensure the DSO continues to engage, inspire, educate, and entertain audiences for many years to come.  In 1906, The Wilmington Orchestra (later, the DSO) staged its first full season. We wish to honor our legacy donors by naming this society after this significant year in our history.

Albert Beekhuis
Robert & Marion Ehrlich
Nancy Hough
Carol Hughes
Jan Jessup
Dr. Mary P. Richards & Mr. Robert G. Netherland
Ethel L. Sayre
Anne Kelligrew St. Clair
Amelia Welch-Wierzbicki

If you would like to become a member of The 1906 Legacy Society or have already included the DSO in your estate plans, please contact Charles “Ebbie” Alfree, Director of Development – charlesa@delawaresymphony.org or (302) 656-7442.


Your support makes it possible for the DSO to produce exceptional concerts, offer outreach programs, and promote classical music for all to enjoy! To show our gratitude, we have created a variety of giving levels, each with its own experiences and rewards.


This level is named for the earliest ancestor of the Delaware Symphony — the Tankopanicum Orchestra — founded at the end of the 19th Century by Alfred I. du Pont. ‘Tankopanicum’ is a derivation of the Native American word ‘trancopanican’ and translates loosely as the “…rushing waters on the banks of the Brandywine.”

$250,000 and Above

  • Title Sponsor of the entire season, including signage at all concerts, recognition from stage, and in all printed materials throughout the season
    Plus all benefits listed below


  • Opportunity to host a private performance by a DSO musician
    Plus all benefits listed below


  • Individual Sponsorship of a Classics Series concert, including signage at performance and recognition from stage and in program book
    Plus all benefits listed below


  • Opportunity to have lunch or dinner with the Chief Executive Officer
    Plus all benefits listed below


  • Opportunity to meet guest artists performing on Classics Series concerts
    Plus all benefits listed below


  • Exclusive sponsorship of a DSO principal or section musician for the season
    Plus all benefits listed below


  • Invitation to all Tankopanicum Circle concert intermission receptions in the Ninth Muse at The Grand Opera House
  • Exclusive sponsorship of a DSO section musician for the season
  • Invitation to special events with your sponsored musician
    Plus all benefits listed below


  • Invitation for two to The Tankopanicum Circle Party
    Plus all Membership Partners benefits listed below


In accordance with Delaware Symphony Association’s bylaws, individuals who donate $300 or more become members of the Delaware Symphony Association.

  • Opportunity to attend a private Classics Series dress rehearsal of your choice
    Plus all benefits listed below


  • Membership in the Delaware Symphony Association
  • Invitation to the Delaware Symphony Association’s Annual Meeting and reception in June
    Plus all Friends of the DSO benefits listed below


We appreciate and are grateful for all gifts in support of the Delaware Symphony.

UP TO $299

  • Program book listing





Make checks payable to the Delaware Symphony Orchestra and mail to:

The Delaware Symphony Orchestra
100 W. 10th Street, Suite 1003 | Wilmington, DE 19801